More threatening behaviour from the neighbour! Around 5pm, 8th October Philip Bradley (157 High Street) raised objections to a chap watering the severely damaged front lawn after the 'many passings' of Bradley's dog; he shouted and gesticulated, suggesting I make my way downstairs in order, presumably, to 'enjoy' a confrontation at 'ground level'. "Just what would be the point?", I asked - it's very unlikely the problem would be solved in that manner; rather, I suggested, that he rids the neighbourhood of 'is revolting pet and gets another, more civilised, toy (such as a teddy bear). The reaction to a call to 999 after this threatening, criminal, behaviour was a later visit (11th October) when, just before the BBC's Consumer Affairs programme, You And Yours, the Police knocked my door and suggested that, rather than hosing the front lawn (abused by my neighbour's dog) from my second-floor window I might consider the downstairs use of a watering-can! True story! That the Police climbed the stairs to make their submission is yet another abuse of consumers' monies, surely?